Sustainable practices make the world go round
As well-rounded beings living in a cyclical world, we figured it was high time we rolled out the ins and outs of sustainable practices and brought the momentum home in this season of change.
From Earth Day preparations to solar eclipse gatherings to springtime feelings, humans can’t resist indulging in occasions that have happened many times before and that we know will come many times again (in varying frequencies) with two feet planted. Subsequently, it’s only fitting that during our Earth hour, we take that time to plant our feet on the actual ground to ensure that our one home, the great rolling sphere of life, continues turning over.
As a company with a long-standing and robust focus on spatial awareness, we stand before the world today with a blog of insight and advice on how we can all work together to keep this record on rotation.
The answer starts with the right question – what is Earth Day?
The roots of Earth Day dig back to the 1960s, a time of growing environmental awareness and activism. In 1969, a devastating oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, shocked the nation and galvanized public support for environmental protection. Inspired by the student anti-war movement, Senator Gaylord Nelson envisioned a national day to focus on environmental issues – thus giving way to the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970.
Today, Earth Day has evolved into a global phenomenon, mobilizing billions of people in over 190 countries. From tree planting initiatives to beach cleanups, Earth Day catalyzes local, national, and international environmental action.
Let us LEED the way with our sustainable practices
What is LEED certification, you ask? Initiated by the US Green Buildings Council, it serves as a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement in the construction and operation of buildings. It evaluates a building’s sustainable practices across seven categories: location and transportation, sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation, and regional priority.
Commercial properties are increasingly vying to achieve LEED certification to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, attract tenants, and reduce operating costs, benefiting not only the environment but also a building’s value and marketability.
Our commercial matting solutions help buildings achieve LEED certification by contributing to several LEED categories, including materials and resources (using recycled materials), indoor environmental quality (reducing indoor air pollutants), and innovation (providing innovative flooring solutions). Ultimately, by choosing Vifloor’s commercial matting solutions, businesses can enhance their sustainable practices while providing functional and aesthetically pleasing flooring options.
Over to you to round out the celebration
Following through on the recycle rotation, here are just some ideas to get the ball rolling for how our community can participate in Earth Day:
- Community cleanups – Organize regular cleanup events to remove litter and debris from parks, streets, beaches, and other public spaces. This helps prevent pollution, protects wildlife, and fosters community pride.
- Meal prep – Encourage residents to meal prep to reduce food waste and reliance on single-use packaging. Batch cooking and planning meals in advance can also save time and energy.
- Adopt green power source – Support the transition to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Communities can invest in solar panels, participate in community solar programs, or advocate for renewable energy policies.
- Go pesticide-free – Promote organic gardening and landscaping practices to minimize the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides. Community gardens can serve as examples of pesticide-free cultivation, benefiting human health and the environment.
Bring it full circle and take it home with you
In short: we must channel our inner child and execute a somersault into the yard of aforementioned sustainable practices so our children can be subjected to the same nostalgic grass-rash we were – it’s only fair!
At Vifloor Canada, we are proud to be part of a global movement towards a more sustainable future. As we celebrate Earth Day, let us recommit ourselves to the preservation and restoration of our planet, bringing the energy of this week to all 52 of them.
Remember, when we dive in head first, we can stick the landing on solid ground (the kind we can’t recreate), and stand confidently in our enthusiastic anticipation that it will always be there, time and time again.