What is Cut Pile?
Cut Pile carpet has a velvety texture that is very lustrous and beautiful for a formal or semiformal room. It is called Cut Pile because it has loops that are trimmed off so that yarn ends poke upward.
What is Loop Pile?
A tufted or woven carpet pile surface where the face yarns are comprised of continuous rows of loops that stand upright, producing a wide variety of textures from thick and nubby to smooth and plain. Loop pile can be level, textured or patterned. Level loop pile carpets wear well because the pile bears the weight of the foot evenly on the surface and tends to hide footprints. Textured or patterned loop is made from two or three varying pile heights.
What is Cut-Loop Pile?
Combines loops with cut pile. The cut-loop pile has cut ends that are taller than the loops, creating an informal look.
What is Tufted Carpet?
Tufted carpet is achieved by cutting the tops off the loops, so the pile stands upright with an even surface.
What is Woven Carpet?
A tufted or woven carpet pile surface where the face yarns are comprised of uncut loops. Loop pile can be level, textured or patterned.
What is Wilton Woven Carpet?
It’s all about the weaving process! A time-honored “warp and weft” weave technique is used. Wilton weaving use yarn running continuously either at the surface or back of the carpet and tends to use fewer colours. The result is a stable and quality carpet suitable for high traffic areas.