• Specifications
  • maintenance


BackingBitumen (Maxphalt)
Sample Options
TextureDiagonal Rib
Face Fiber Blend of 17-160 DPF Solution Dyed UV Stabilized ASOTA® Polypropylene
Total Weight126 oz/yd2
Face Weight37 oz/yd2
Pile Height0.213 inches (variable)
Total Height 0.313 inches (variable)
Tile Size19 11/16” sq. (50 cm)
Packaging20 Tiles Per Box = 6.0 yds2
LEED CertificationCenturion Diagonal Tile contributes towards LEED Certification.


FlammabilityClass II (ASTM - E-648): These products meet the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) for flammability (methenamine Pill Test).

Click here to view the maintenance guide: Centurion Diagonal Tile