Most of us have done it. We’ve searched out a local supplier, visited their website, and either become instantly captivated or have immediately recoiled in horror at the thought that a business could put so little care into their online home.
The days of paper phone books have long passed, and websites have evolved into information hubs that position businesses as thought leaders in their respective industries. Is your website a digital version of your business card, or is it part of a community where consumers and business alike can learn more about your business and area of expertise?
First impressions
Your website is more often than not your first impression. Per research from Salesforce and Publicis.Sapient, 87 per cent of retail shoppers begin their searches on digital channels. If your website isn’t optimized for search engines, ranking high for keywords that match your company offerings, you’ll be lost in the sea of other like-minded web pages – your competitors. And if your website is unattractive, difficult to navigate or not optimized for mobile devices, you’re more than likely losing business.
Mobile optimization for your website is increasingly important. According to data from Statista, web traffic from desktop and laptops in Canada was at 56%, with the remainder going to mobile devices. That’s a sharp increase from the 70% of web traffic that went to desktop and laptops in 2015. Search engines such as Google now punish websites that aren’t mobile optimized, further buttressing the need for a website that can be easily viewed across multiple devices.
Captivating your audience
Essentially, your website is the backbone of your business. Your company announcements, new products and service offering all need an online home. If you’re advertising, producing newsletters or are on social media, your outreach efforts all need a home for the captivated user to go when they at last choose to learn more about your company, products or services.
At Vifloor Canada, we’re actively working on a brand new website with a host of new features that we’ll be excited to unveil to you in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more!