Wool carpet in a bedroom turns a house into a home. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of sinking your toes into soft, cosy wool carpet, right out of bed. But, if you aren’t sold yet, here are a few more reasons why wool is the way to go.
Healthy living
Can’t argue with science. Wool carpet is proven to help create healthier spaces as it cleans the air and subsequently improves indoor air quality. The material helps prevent gases from emitting into the air and rapidly absorbs common pollutants, known as VOCs (volatile organic compounds). When clean air is non-negotiable, (for the asthmatic, allergic or otherwise affected) wool carpet in the bedrooms is the #1 choice.
Warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer
Wool’s got your feet and your back when it comes to your hydro. With its natural insulating properties, this carpet can cut heat-loss up to 15 per cent. Moreover, wool covers it all, absorbing 30 per cent of its weight in humidity without ever feeling wet or damp – keeping you cool and comfortable all year long.
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Noise-cancelling meets carpet
Wool makes you a sweet deal: you vacuum the carpet; the carpet vacuums the sound. With its noise reduction properties, the carpet has millions of fibres with a range of crimps and spirals, facilitating effective sound absorption and improving the room’s acoustic performance.
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Resists dirt and is easy to maintain
Wool absorbs moisture and prevents a build-up of static electricity. The crimp of the wool fibre assists in keeping dirt from penetrating the surface and makes it easier to clean as well. Because of the way this material holds moisture, it won’t attract lint or dust from the air – making for easy maintenance. With just a little regular vacuuming, the wool pile will be revitalized and dirt-free, keeping its classic appearance and new-carpet-feel for long-term wear.
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Naturally supportive
Wool carpet is made for the simple joys in life: like the feeling of stepping, sitting or stretching your legs out on a soft cushiony floor. It’s kid friendly, supporting all activities through homework, a workout, musical jamming, the gossip debrief, or just talking on the phone. Children have a way of gravitating to the floor; wool will meet them halfway.
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When first impressions are everything, make your first impression of the day count. Wool is a natural on all fronts as a biodegradable and renewable resource, keeping you comfortable on your feet and in your conscience!