Six things to consider when buying a carpet (Some help from the experts at Vifloor)

Buying carpet is not an everyday purchase, so it’s easy for consumers to be confused by the process and end up with carpet that does not suit their needs. Here are some helpful points to consider when buying a carpet.
Buying a carpet or area rug for your living room

  1. Consider your lifestyle – If you have a large family or multiple pets, you may want to avoid light colour carpets. If you have anyone in your household that has allergies or reactions to dust mites, you may want to consider wool carpet. It’s a healthy carpeting choice with a natural material that is hygienic and non-allergenic and has long-lasting endurance.
  2. Don’t judge carpet by face weight alone – It is a misnomer that a carpet with a higher face weight is better that one with a lower one. When determining the quality of a carpet, face weight, fibre twist, type and style need to all be considered. (One of the most common specifications, “face weight” is the weight, in ounces, per square yard of carpet.)
  3. Don’t skimp on underpad – A good underpad saves wear and tear on your carpet by absorbing the impact of foot traffic so your carpet doesn’t. It will also feel more comfortable to walk on and extend the life of your a carpet or stair runner
  4. Calculate your carpet requirements correctly – Provide a layout of your room(s) you are carpeting, including any closets or railings. The layout doesn’t need to be perfect, but the measurements do. Depending on your carpet choice, things like the width of the manufacturer’s carpet roll and carpet pile direction need to be taken into account when calculating the required square footage.
  5. Use a professional installer – You walk on your floor every day, so if it’s not installed correctly, problems will surface immediately.
  6. Promotions – don’t get caught up in special deals. If a retailer is charging a very low price for carpeting, they are making it up somewhere else.